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Warning: Use at your own risk! Unapproved repositories are provided by the community and have not yet been inspected for security or tested for stability. The Cog-Creators organization and Red's contributors are not responsible for any damage caused by 3rd party cogs.
streamrolesApproved @Tobotimus StreamRoles is a cog for automatically assigning roles to users streaming on Twitch. The cog is also able to only assign a streaming role to users of a particular game. Specific users can also be blacklisted and whitelisted.

Disclaimer: The first streamrole cog was made by tmerc, as some of you may know. This cog was written completely from the ground up by myself, and although I was unaware he had written a similar cog already, he should be given credit for coming up with the idea first.
Installation commandsrepo add tobo-cogs cog install tobo-cogs streamroles hoiststreamerstwitchView Repository
strikesApproved @Tobotimus Strikes is a cog for helping moderation teams warn and keep track of misbehaving users. Strikes are filed with a reason and timestamp, and the cog is helpful for knowing how many times the user has misbehaved *recently*. ModLog integration is also available. Bot Version and Packages Usedtabulate[widechars] Installation commandsrepo add tobo-cogs cog install tobo-cogs strikes modreportsstrikeswarningsView Repository
sudoApproved @AAA3A@Draper@jack1142 (Jackenmen#6607) Have you ever wanted to allow bot owners to be normal users in terms of permissions? Then this cog is for you! This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0git+ Installation commandsrepo add aaa3a-cogs cog install aaa3a-cogs sudo botownersudoView Repository
swApproved @Neuro Assassin Get information about a bunch of different things in Star Wars. Installation commandsrepo add toxic-cogs cog install toxic-cogs sw funinfoView Repository
systemApproved @Vexed (@vexingvexed) Check system metrics on the host device, such as CPU or RAM usage This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.8.1Bot>=3.5.1psutil>=5.8.0tabulate Installation commandsrepo add vex-cogs cog install vex-cogs system metricssystemtoputilityView Repository
tagsApproved Create and use tags. This cog stores End User Data when storing the author of a tag. If a user requests data-deletion, all their tags will be removed from the bot. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.10.0Bot>=3.5.0AdvancedTagScriptEngine==3.2.2tabulaterapidfuzzwtformsmarkupsafe Installation commandsrepo add seina-cogs cog install seina-cogs tags commandscustomcustom commandstagsView Repository
tagsApproved @PhenoM4n4n@sravan@npc203 Create and use tags. This cog stores End User Data when storing the author of a tag. If a user requests data-deletion, all their tags will be removed from the bot. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.4.0TagScript==2.6.4tabulaterapidfuzz Installation commandsrepo add phen-cogs cog install phen-cogs tags tagsView Repository
talkApproved @YamiKaitou Talk as the bot This cog does not persistently store any data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add yamicogs cog install yamicogs talk sayView Repository
targeterApproved @Neuro Assassin Returns a list of members in the current guild that meet the passed arguments. Commands can take long times based upon the amount of members in the guild. Installation commandsrepo add toxic-cogs cog install toxic-cogs targeter toolsView Repository
tarotApproved @TrustyJAID Find your tarot reading, your life reading, or pull a random tarot card! This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Required Permissionsembed_links Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.7.2Bot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add trusty-cogs cog install trusty-cogs tarot funmysteryView Repository
temprolesApproved @Obi-Wan3@AAA3A A cog to assign temporary roles to users, expiring after a set time! This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0git+ Installation commandsrepo add aaa3a-cogs cog install aaa3a-cogs temproles expiresrolestemporaryView Repository
terminoApproved @Kreusada@Jojo#7791 Customize restart and shutdown messages with your own text, and predicates. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Installation commandsrepo add kreusada-cogs cog install kreusada-cogs termino customrestartshutdownView Repository
texteditorApproved @Kreusada Edit and manipulate with text. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Installation commandsrepo add kreusada-cogs cog install kreusada-cogs texteditor editorformattextView Repository
texttApproved @Ribose Utility commands to encode and manipulate text. Installation commandsrepo add falcombot-cogs cog install falcombot-cogs textt encodingtextutilitiesView Repository
themeApproved @Zephyrkul (Zephyrkul #1089) Allows you to set themes to easily play accross all servers. This cog stores data provided via command by users for the purposes of replaying. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add fluffycogs cog install fluffycogs theme audiofunmusicView Repository
threadbumperApproved @flare(flare#0001) Bump threads to keep them alive forever. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add flare-cogs cog install flare-cogs threadbumper bumpthread bumpingthreadsView Repository
threadopenerApproved Open threads for every message in a channel. This cog does not store End User Data. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.10.0AdvancedTagScriptEngine==3.2.2 Installation commandsrepo add seina-cogs cog install seina-cogs threadopener channelchannelsthreadthreadsView Repository
tickchangerApproved @crayyy_zee Change the emoji that gets reacted with when `ctx.tick()` is called. This cog does not store End User Data. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot<=3.4.14emoji Installation commandsrepo add cray-cogs cog install cray-cogs tickchanger changectxemojimonkeypatchtickView Repository
ticketsApproved @Vertyco Multi-Panel Discord support ticket system with buttons! This cog does not persistently store data about users. Required Permissionsread_messages send_messages manage_messages manage_permissions manage_roles attach_files embed_links manage_channels Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.10.0Bot>=3.5.0numpychat-exporter Installation commandsrepo add vrt-cogs cog install vrt-cogs tickets supportsupport systemticketticketsutilityView Repository
tickettoolApproved @AAA3A Have you ever wanted to set up a Tickets system, with many options for the user and the support team, on your server? Then this cog is for you! It has many settings, buttons, a reaction to create the ticket, many commands working in the ticket channel, different roles with access to different options... There is also a system of panels! This cog records all the data needed to operate the ticket system. It records the reason for the ticket, the open/close dates, the members who have opened/closed/claimed a ticket. Apart from deleting the ticket with `[p]ticket delete`, this cog is not configured to delete this operational data. The reason for a user's tickets can be communicated to OpenAI if the user requests informations about their own open tickets with the Vert's Assistant cog. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0git+ Installation commandsrepo add aaa3a-cogs cog install aaa3a-cogs tickettool systemticketstoolView Repository
tiktokreposterApproved @flare(flare#0001) Repost TikToks from TikTok to Discord automatically or manually! Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0yt-dlp[default] Installation commandsrepo add flare-cogs cog install flare-cogs tiktokreposter mediareposttiktokvideoView Repository
timechannelApproved @Vexed (@vexingvexed) Get the time in different timezones in voice channels. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.8.1Bot>=3.5.1rapidfuzz Installation commandsrepo add vex-cogs cog install vex-cogs timechannel channeltimetimezoneutilityView Repository
timeoutApproved @sravan Add or remove timeout from users This cog does not persistently store any data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.10humanize Installation commandsrepo add sravan-cogs cog install sravan-cogs timeout modtimeoutView Repository
timerApproved @crayyy_zee Start countdowns and wait for them to end. This cog stores End User Data when storing a timer. If a user requests data-deletion, all their data will be removed from the bot. Bot Version and Packages Usedemoji==1.6.3 Installation commandsrepo add cray-cogs cog install cray-cogs timer View Repository
timeroleApproved @Bobloy Apply roles based on the # of hours or days on server This cog does not store any End User Data Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.0 Installation commandsrepo add fox-v3 cog install fox-v3 timerole bobloyrolestooltoolsutilitiesView Repository
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