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Warning: Use at your own risk! Unapproved repositories are provided by the community and have not yet been inspected for security or tested for stability. The Cog-Creators organization and Red's contributors are not responsible for any damage caused by 3rd party cogs.
badgesApproved @TrustyJAID Create your own badge with your discord info. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Required Permissionsattach_files Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.7.2Bot>=3.5.0pillow Installation commandsrepo add trusty-cogs cog install trusty-cogs badges View Repository
banchartApproved @PhenoM4n4n@Aikaterna Display a chart of ban moderators. This cog does not persistently store any data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.10 Installation commandsrepo add phen-cogs cog install phen-cogs banchart View Repository
bancheckApproved @PhasecoreX (PhasecoreX#0635) This cog allows server admins to check their members against multiple external ban lists. It can also automatically check new members that join the server, and optionally ban them if they appear in a list. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.11.0Bot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add pcxcogs cog install pcxcogs bancheck autoautomatedautomaticbanchecklookupmoderationutilityView Repository
bandnameApproved @luna Randomly creates names for made up bands by scanning messages 2-5 words in length and applying them to bands of a randomly chosen genre. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.7.0 Installation commandsrepo add cogs.v3 cog install cogs.v3 bandname View Repository
bankbackupApproved @Vertyco Backup/Restore for server bank balances This cog does not store data about users. Required Permissionsadministrator Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.8.1Bot>=3.4.0 Installation commandsrepo add vrt-cogs cog install vrt-cogs bankbackup bankeconomyutilityView Repository
bankdecayApproved @Vertyco Inactivity-based economy credit decay with customizable settings This cog does not store any private data about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.10.0Bot>=3.5.3pydanticpytzapscheduler Installation commandsrepo add vrt-cogs cog install vrt-cogs bankdecay View Repository
bankeventsApproved @Vertyco Dispatches events when different bank transactions occur, such as when a user deposits credits, withdraws credits, transfers credits, or runs payday. This cog does not store end user data. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.9.0Bot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add vrt-cogs cog install vrt-cogs bankevents bankdeveloperseconomyeconomyeventslistenersView Repository
banmessageApproved @Jakub Kuczys ( Send message on ban in a chosen channel. Supports images! This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add jackcogs cog install jackcogs banmessage banmessagetoolsutilityView Repository
banroleApproved @palmtree5 Ban/unban by role. Keeps track of all users banned via `[p]banrole` This extension stores a mapping of role ids to a list of banned user ids. This data is necessary for the functionality allowing the unbanning of a previously banned role, but a user id can be removed if the account is deleted or the owner specifically requests the deletion not on behalf of a user. Installation commandsrepo add palmtree5-cogs cog install palmtree5-cogs banrole banrolemoderationView Repository
bansyncApproved @PhasecoreX (PhasecoreX#0635) This cog allows server admins to ban users on their server when they are banned on another server that the bot is in. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.11.0Bot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add pcxcogs cog install pcxcogs bansync autoautomatedautomaticbanmoderationpullsyncutilityView Repository
baronApproved @PhenoM4n4n@DragDev Studios@KableKompany Tools for managing guild joins and leaves. This cog does not persistently store any data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.10matplotlib Installation commandsrepo add phen-cogs cog install phen-cogs baron guildutilityView Repository
battleroyaleApproved Play battle royale with your friends or join the automated match. This cog does not store End User Data. Bot Version and Packages Usedpillowprettytabletyping_extensionsemoji Installation commandsrepo add seina-cogs cog install seina-cogs battleroyale battlebattleroyalecurrencyeconomygamegamesView Repository
battleshipApproved @Flame442 Play battleship against a friend or an AI opponent. Generates an image to represent the board state. Run [p]battleship to play! This cog does not store user data. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.6.0Bot>=3.5.0.dev1pillow Installation commandsrepo add flamecogs cog install flamecogs battleship battleshipfungamesView Repository
beautifyApproved @Vexed (@vexingvexed) Beautify and minify JSON. Supports attachments, codeblocks and replies. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.8.1Bot>=3.5.1 Installation commandsrepo add vex-cogs cog install vex-cogs beautify jsonutilityView Repository
betteruptimeApproved @Vexed (@vexingvexed) Replace the uptime command with a rich embed that shows the bot's percentage uptime (both time of the bot being on and time connected to Discord). There is also a new `downtime` command which shows when downtime happened. This cog writes to config every 60 seconds to prevent data loss. It is also very storage efficient, using under 150 bytes each day the cog runs. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.8.1Bot>=3.5.1pandasplotlykaleido Installation commandsrepo add vex-cogs cog install vex-cogs betteruptime metauptimeutilityView Repository
bibleApproved @epic guy Powered by biblegateway, this cog can get bible verses This cog does not persistently store any data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.10html2textbeautifulsoup4git+ Installation commandsrepo add npc-cogs cog install npc-cogs bible funutilityView Repository
bingoApproved @TrustyJAID Generate a bingo card to play on your server! This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. This cog can store images uploaded by the user or provided for the purpose of generating bingo cards. Required Permissionsattach_files Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.7.2Bot>=3.5.0pillow Installation commandsrepo add trusty-cogs cog install trusty-cogs bingo bingofunmemememesView Repository
birthdayApproved @Vexed (@vexingvexed) Get users to add their birthday, then on their birthday they will get a special role. Server owners can set the time of day, announcement message and role. This cog will associate a User ID with a birthday if the user explicitly sets it. This data is also associated with a specific guild ID. No other data or metadata about users is stored. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.8.1Bot>=3.5.1 Installation commandsrepo add vex-cogs cog install vex-cogs birthday bdaybirthdaybirthdaysfunroleView Repository
blackformatterApproved @Kreusada Run black on files with custom line lengths. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages Usedblack Installation commandsrepo add kreusada-cogs cog install kreusada-cogs blackformatter blackcodefileView Repository
boostutilsApproved Various nitro boosting utilities. (WORK IN PROGRESS) Bot Version and Packages UsedAdvancedTagScriptEngine==3.1.4 Installation commandsrepo add seina-cogs cog install seina-cogs boostutils boostboosternitronitroboosterView Repository
botlistspostApproved @flare(flare#0001) Post server count to various discord bot lists. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add flare-cogs cog install flare-cogs botlistspost botlistView Repository
botstatusApproved @Dav Automattically sets a status on bot start/restart. This cog does not store end user data. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add dav-cogs cog install dav-cogs botstatus View Repository
buttonpollApproved @Vexed (@vexingvexed) A poll in Discord, but with powered by buttons and with a pie chart at the end! This cog stores user IDs paired with guild IDs and how they voted if a user participated in a poll. This is to ensure no double voting can happen. This data is removed once a poll finishes. No other data or metadata about users is persistently stored. This cog respects data deletion requests. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.8.1Bot>=3.5.1plotlykaleidopandas Installation commandsrepo add vex-cogs cog install vex-cogs buttonpoll buttonpollutilityView Repository
cahApproved @TrustyJAID@crhallberg@Cards Against Humanity® Play Cards Against Humanity®! This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.9.0Bot>=3.5.0pillow Installation commandsrepo add trusty-cogs cog install trusty-cogs cah cahcards against humanityfungameView Repository
calcApproved @Vexed (@vexingvexed) Calculate simple mathematical expressions, right in Discord with buttons. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.8.1Bot>=3.5.1expr.pyasyncache Installation commandsrepo add vex-cogs cog install vex-cogs calc calcmathmathsutilityView Repository
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