Include Unapproved
Warning: Use at your own risk! Unapproved repositories are provided by the community and have not yet been inspected for security or tested for stability. The Cog-Creators organization and Red's contributors are not responsible for any damage caused by 3rd party cogs.
cogcountApproved @Kuro Have you ever wondered, how many commands/cogs does your bot has? Well this cog can help with that! This cog does not store any end user data. Bot Version and Packages Usedgit+ Installation commandsrepo add kuro-cogs cog install kuro-cogs cogcount cogscommandscountView Repository
cogpathsApproved @Kreusada Get various paths for a cog. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Installation commandsrepo add kreusada-cogs cog install kreusada-cogs cogpaths cogspathsView Repository
colorApproved @Neuro Assassin This cog will tell you the hexadecimal value, rgb value and the name of the color that is supplied to it. Bot Version and Packages Usedcolourpillow Installation commandsrepo add toxic-cogs cog install toxic-cogs color toolsView Repository
colourApproved @Kreusada View information about a colour. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages Usedpillow Installation commandsrepo add kreusada-cogs cog install kreusada-cogs colour cmykcolourhexhslhsvrgbxyzView Repository
commandchartApproved @Neuro Assassin This cog tells a Discord User the commands used, and the usage of them, in the last so and so messages. Based off of aikaterna's chatchart cog. Bot Version and Packages Usedmatplotlib Installation commandsrepo add toxic-cogs cog install toxic-cogs commandchart toolsView Repository
commandsbuttonsApproved @AAA3A Have you ever wanted to allow a user to execute a command by clicking on a button? Then this cog is for you! This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0git+ Installation commandsrepo add aaa3a-cogs cog install aaa3a-cogs commandsbuttons buttoncommandreactView Repository
commandstatsApproved @flare(flare#0001) Track all commands used globally, guild wise and during the current session. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0tabulatepandas Installation commandsrepo add flare-cogs cog install flare-cogs commandstats commandstatsView Repository
complimentApproved @Airen@JennJenn@TrustyJAID Compliment people in a creative way This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.7.2Bot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add trusty-cogs cog install trusty-cogs compliment View Repository
connect4Approved @Benjamin Mintz@flare@PhenoM4n4n Play Connect 4 in Discord! This cog stores data on users' wins, losses, and draws per server while playing Connect 4. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.10 Installation commandsrepo add phen-cogs cog install phen-cogs connect4 funView Repository
conquestApproved @Bobloy Handle war games by filling in specified territories with colors Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.4.0Pillow Installation commandsrepo add fox-v3 cog install fox-v3 conquest axisandalliesbobloyconquestgamegamesheartsofironmaprpgwarView Repository
consoleclearerApproved @Kreusada Clear your Red console. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Installation commandsrepo add kreusada-cogs cog install kreusada-cogs consoleclearer clearconsoleView Repository
consolelogsApproved @AAA3A@Tobotimus A cog to display the console logs, with buttons and filter options, and to send commands errors in configured channels! This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0git+ Installation commandsrepo add aaa3a-cogs cog install aaa3a-cogs consolelogs consoledeverrorerrorlogslogsView Repository
conversationgamesApproved Conversation games for members. This cog does not store any user data. Bot Version and Packages Usedaiohttp-client-cache[sqlite]typing-extensions Installation commandsrepo add seina-cogs cog install seina-cogs conversationgames darehaveinteractionnevernsfwparanoiarathertruthwouldyouView Repository
conversionsApproved @TrustyJAID Conversions for currencies, crypto-currencies, and stocks. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Required Permissionsembed_links Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.7.2Bot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add trusty-cogs cog install trusty-cogs conversions View Repository
convertersApproved @Predä Some utility converters, for temperatures, mass, but also dates to timestamps. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add predacogs cog install predacogs converters convertconvertersinformationutilityView Repository
cooldownApproved @Neuro Assassin Allows a bot owner to set cooldowns for commands Installation commandsrepo add toxic-cogs cog install toxic-cogs cooldown toolsView Repository
covidApproved @flare(flare#0001) List stats of Covid-19 (Novel Coronavirus), global or countrywise! Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0validators Installation commandsrepo add flare-cogs cog install flare-cogs covid coronaviruscovidView Repository
crabraveApproved @DankMemer Team@TrustyJAID@thisisjvgrace Create your very own Crab Rave videos with custom text! This cog requires FFMPEG, moviepy (, and imagemagick to work. This cog downloads a template video and font file which is then saved locally and generates crab rave videos from the template. Old videos are deleted after uploading. This cog may consume heavy resources rendering videos. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Required Permissionsattach_files Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.8.0Bot>=3.5.0moviepyyt-dlp Installation commandsrepo add trusty-cogs cog install trusty-cogs crabrave funView Repository
crierApproved @DesignByAdrian (ThinkAdrian#1186) Have the bot say or shout in a target channel Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.6.0Bot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add cogsbyadrian cog install cogsbyadrian crier announcementsmessagesayshoutView Repository
cryptoApproved @flare(flare#0001)@Flame@TrustyJAID Buy and sell cryptocurrencies with Red economy. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0tabulate Installation commandsrepo add flare-cogs cog install flare-cogs crypto cryptoView Repository
ctxvarApproved @AAA3A A cog to list and display the contents of all sub-functions of `ctx`! This cog allows you to see which variables you want to use when creating the cog. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0git+ Installation commandsrepo add aaa3a-cogs cog install aaa3a-cogs ctxvar codingctxpythonvariablesView Repository
custompingApproved @PhenoM4n4n Creates a custom ping embed to display latency statistics. This cog does not store any End User Data. Bot Version and Packages Usedspeedtest-cli Installation commandsrepo add phen-cogs cog install phen-cogs customping pingView Repository
cyclestatusApproved @Jojo#7791 Cycle the status on your bot so you don't have to update it constantly This cog does not store user data Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0.dev0 Installation commandsrepo add jojocogs cog install jojocogs cyclestatus statusutilityView Repository
dadApproved @Bobloy Tell dad jokes and give out bad nicknames This cog does not store any End User Data Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.4.0 Installation commandsrepo add fox-v3 cog install fox-v3 dad bobloytoolsutilsView Repository
dadjokesApproved @UltimatePancake Gets a random dad joke from This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add aikaterna-cogs cog install aikaterna-cogs dadjokes daddadjokesjokesView Repository
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