Include Unapproved
Warning: Use at your own risk! Unapproved repositories are provided by the community and have not yet been inspected for security or tested for stability. The Cog-Creators organization and Red's contributors are not responsible for any damage caused by 3rd party cogs.
permcheckerApproved @flare(flare#0001) This cog is a basic permission checker, used to check if a user/role/channel has a set permission. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add flare-cogs cog install flare-cogs permchecker checkerpermpermcheckerpermissioncheckerpermissionspermsView Repository
permissionslockerApproved @PhenoM4n4n@Kuro Locks bot to a certain permissions set. This cog does not persistently store any data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add kuro-cogs cog install kuro-cogs permissionslocker lockpermissionpermissionsView Repository
permissionslockerApproved @PhenoM4n4n Lock bot commands to a certain permissions set. This cog does not persistently store any data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.10 Installation commandsrepo add phen-cogs cog install phen-cogs permissionslocker permissionsView Repository
personalchannelsApproved Personal channels for members. This cog stores users data in form of << member : role >> Discord IDs pairings.
This cog supports data removal requests.
Bot Version and Packages Usedtabulate Installation commandsrepo add seina-cogs cog install seina-cogs personalchannels channelchannelsmychanmychannelpersonalpersonalpersonal channelsutilityView Repository
personalreactApproved @AAA3A Make the bot react to messages with your mention, reply, your user ID or a custom trigger, based on roles perks! This cog records your user ID and the settings you set. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0git+ Installation commandsrepo add aaa3a-cogs cog install aaa3a-cogs personalreact customemojiidmentionpersonalreactreactionrepliestriggerView Repository
petpetApproved @PhenoM4n4n@Kuro Make petpet gifs! This cog does not persistently store any data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0git+ Installation commandsrepo add kuro-cogs cog install kuro-cogs petpet fungifimagepetpetView Repository
pfpimgenApproved @PhenoM4n4n Make images from avatars! This cog does not persistently store any data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.10Pillowunidecoderapidfuzz Installation commandsrepo add phen-cogs cog install phen-cogs pfpimgen imageView Repository
phenutilsApproved @PhenoM4n4n Various developer utilities. This cog does not persistently store any data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.10 Installation commandsrepo add phen-cogs cog install phen-cogs phenutils utilityView Repository
pingtimeApproved @aikaterna It's ping... with latency. Shows all shards. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add aikaterna-cogs cog install aikaterna-cogs pingtime latencypingpingtimeView Repository
pixlApproved @Vertyco Guess pictures before anyone else as sections of it are slowly revealed. This cog only stores user IDs for its leaderboard.

This cog can cause rate limiting on larger bots due to it deleting and re-sending updated images frequently.

Required Permissionsread_messages send_messages manage_messages embed_links Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.9.1Bot>=3.4.17Pillowaiocachetabulate Installation commandsrepo add vrt-cogs cog install vrt-cogs pixl fungamegamesguessingimageimagespicturepicturesView Repository
plaguegameApproved @PhenoM4n4n@max Plague game with a doctor and plaguebearer. This cog stores data on users based off their interactions within the game. Examples of such data are their 'health state' (healthy or infected) or their 'game role' (user, doctor, plaguebearer). Bot Version and Packages Usedunidecoderapidfuzz Installation commandsrepo add maxcogs cog install maxcogs plaguegame funplagueView Repository
plaguegameApproved @PhenoM4n4n Plague game with a doctor and plaguebearer. This cog stores data on users based off their interactions within the game. Examples of such data are their 'health state' (healthy or infected) or their 'game role' (user, doctor, plaguebearer). Bot Version and Packages Usedunidecoderapidfuzz Installation commandsrepo add phen-cogs cog install phen-cogs plaguegame funplagueView Repository
planttycoonApproved @Bobloy@SnappyDragon@PaddoInWonderland Grow your own plants! Be sure to take care of it. Do `[p]gardening` to get started This cog stores user IDs along with their progress in the PlantTycoon game Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.0 Installation commandsrepo add fox-v3 cog install fox-v3 planttycoon bobloyenvironmentgamesView Repository
pokemonApproved @<@306810730055729152>@ltzmax (MAX#1000)@Flame (Flame#2941) Play a game of Who's That Pokémon or Fetch Pokémon cards based on Pokémon Trading Card Game. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.3pillow Installation commandsrepo add maxcogs cog install maxcogs pokemon pokemontcgcardwhos that pokemonwhosthatpokemonView Repository
pokemonduelApproved @Flame442 Battle in a Pokemon Duel with another member of your server. Supports all moves, abilities, and pokemon from generation 8, with partial item support and partial support for generation 9 additions. Also supports the inverse type effectiveness format. Run [p]pokemonduel to play! This cog stores user ids in order to track your party of pokemon. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.6.0Bot>=3.5.0.dev1 Installation commandsrepo add flamecogs cog install flamecogs pokemonduel fungamespokemonView Repository
pollApproved @sravan simple command to start poll using reactions This cog does not persistently store any data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.10 Installation commandsrepo add sravan-cogs cog install sravan-cogs poll pollView Repository
prefixApproved @PhenoM4n4n Manage guild prefixes more extensively. This cog does not store any End User Data. Installation commandsrepo add phen-cogs cog install phen-cogs prefix prefixserverView Repository
prefixApproved @PhenoM4n4n@sravan Manage guild prefixes more extensively. This cog does not store any End User Data. Installation commandsrepo add sravan-cogs cog install sravan-cogs prefix prefixserverView Repository
presencechartApproved @AAA3A A cog to make a chart with the different Discord statuses (presence) of a Discord member, in the previous x days (last 100 days maximum)! This cog store the differents statuses (presence) of the users, with the starting date-time (last 100 days maximum). Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0git+ Installation commandsrepo add aaa3a-cogs cog install aaa3a-cogs presencechart chartgraphicpresencestatusView Repository
pressfApproved @aikaterna Pay respects to a thing or user by pressing f. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add aikaterna-cogs cog install aikaterna-cogs pressf fpressfrespectsView Repository
profilerApproved @Vertyco Cog profiling tools for bot owners and developers. Attach profilers to cogs and get runtime metrics for their commands and methods. This cog does not store data about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.9.0Bot>=3.5.3pydanticPymplertabulateplotly Installation commandsrepo add vrt-cogs cog install vrt-cogs profiler botinfometricsmonitormonitoringperformanceprofilerprofilingstatisticsstatstrackertrackingView Repository
prunecmdApproved @Dav Calls the discord built-in prune function with a command. This cog does not store end user data. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add dav-cogs cog install dav-cogs prunecmd kickmembersprunepurgeView Repository
pupperApproved @aikaterna@vertyco Pupper is a configurable pet that can hand out credits. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.9.1 Installation commandsrepo add vrt-cogs cog install vrt-cogs pupper petsView Repository
purgeApproved Purge (deleted) messages that meet a criteria. This cog does not store any user data. Bot Version and Packages Usedarrow Installation commandsrepo add seina-cogs cog install seina-cogs purge cleanupmodpurgeserverutilityView Repository
pypiApproved @Kreusada@OofChair Get information about a package available on PyPi. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Installation commandsrepo add kreusada-cogs cog install kreusada-cogs pypi indexlibrarieslibrarymodulespythonView Repository
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