Include Unapproved
Warning: Use at your own risk! Unapproved repositories are provided by the community and have not yet been inspected for security or tested for stability. The Cog-Creators organization and Red's contributors are not responsible for any damage caused by 3rd party cogs.
qrApproved @Kreusada [Beta] Generate QR codes. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages Usedqrcode Installation commandsrepo add kreusada-cogs cog install kreusada-cogs qr codesimagespilpillowqrView Repository
qrinviteApproved @Bobloy Create a QR code invite for the server This cog does not store any End User Data Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.0MyQR Installation commandsrepo add fox-v3 cog install fox-v3 qrinvite bobloycodeqrtoolsView Repository
quizApproved @Keane@aikaterna Play a kahoot-like trivia game. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add aikaterna-cogs cog install aikaterna-cogs quiz quiztriviaView Repository
quotesApproved @Kreusada Get a random quote. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Installation commandsrepo add kreusada-cogs cog install kreusada-cogs quotes qotdquotesView Repository
qupyterApproved @Jakub Kuczys ( Run IPython kernel within Red and connect to it with Jupyter Console. This is a development tool.

WARNING: This cog is meant for development instances and should NOT ever be used in production environment.
This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0ipykernel~=5.4ipyparalleljedi<0.16.0tornado>=6.1 Installation commandsrepo add jackcogs cog install jackcogs qupyter devdevelopmentqupytertoolsutilityView Repository
r6Approved @flare(flare#0001) List R6 Statistics from seasons, individual operators, all operators and more! Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0pillowr6statsapi Installation commandsrepo add flare-cogs cog install flare-cogs r6 operatorsr6statsView Repository
randimagesApproved @Predä Send random images from different APIs. There's animals images, art, and more. There is also a `[p]subreddit` command with which you can send an images from a subreddit of your choice. (All commands using subreddits are checking for nsfw content, so if there's nsfw content and the invoked channel is not NSFW you will receive a message that say you to invoke it in a NSFW channel instead of the image) This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add predacogs cog install predacogs randimages animalsartimagesredditView Repository
randimalsApproved @tmerc Displays random images of some animals. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add tmerc-cogs cog install tmerc-cogs randimals animalfunrandomView Repository
randtApproved @Ribose Utility commands to randomize things. Installation commandsrepo add falcombot-cogs cog install falcombot-cogs randt randomizationrngutilitiesView Repository
ratingsApproved @PhenoM4n4n Rate yourself on many things. This cog does not persistently store any data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.10 Installation commandsrepo add phen-cogs cog install phen-cogs ratings View Repository
reactchannelApproved @PhasecoreX (PhasecoreX#0635) Allows for channels to be set up to have reactions automatically added to messages. This can facilitate things such as an upvote/downvote system (with user karma), a checklist system (checked messages are deleted), or any custom emoji reaction systems (no actions performed). This cog stores Discord IDs along with a karma value based on total upvotes and downvotes on the users messages. Users may reset/remove their own karma total by making a data removal request. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.11.0Bot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add pcxcogs cog install pcxcogs reactchannel autoautomatedautomaticchecklistdownvotekarmastarboardupvoteutilityvoteView Repository
reacticketApproved @Neuro Assassin Allow users to create ticket channels by clicking on a set reaction on a set message. Installation commandsrepo add toxic-cogs cog install toxic-cogs reacticket toolsutilityView Repository
reactkarmaApproved @Tobotimus ReactKarma is a cog for counting upvotes and downvotes of everyone the bot sees. The karma leaderboard is global, however the cog can be effectively enabled and disabled per-server. Installation commandsrepo add tobo-cogs cog install tobo-cogs reactkarma downvotekarmaupvoteView Repository
reactlogApproved @Kuro Log when reactions were added/removed! Inspired by Sx Bot#8364. This cog does not store any end user data. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0git+ Installation commandsrepo add kuro-cogs cog install kuro-cogs reactlog logreactreactionreactionlogreactlogView Repository
reactrestrictApproved @Bobloy Cog to prevent reactions on specific messages from certain users This cog does not store any End User Data Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.4.0 Installation commandsrepo add fox-v3 cog install fox-v3 reactrestrict bobloyreactreactionrestricttoolsutilsView Repository
reacttocommandApproved @AAA3A Have you ever wanted to allow a user to execute a command by clicking on a reaction? Then this cog is for you! This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0git+ Installation commandsrepo add aaa3a-cogs cog install aaa3a-cogs reacttocommand commandreactreactionView Repository
recipesApproved @AAA3A A cog to search and show a cooking recipe! This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0git+ Installation commandsrepo add aaa3a-cogs cog install aaa3a-cogs recipes cookfoodrecipeView Repository
recyclingplantApproved @Bobloy@SnappyDragon Apply for a job at the recycling plant! Sort out the garbage! This cog used the core Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.3.0 Installation commandsrepo add fox-v3 cog install fox-v3 recyclingplant bobloyenvironmentgamesView Repository
redditApproved @TrustyJAID Reddit commands for getting updates on specified subreddits. This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.7.2Bot>=3.5.0reactivepy>=1.9.0.dev0git+ Installation commandsrepo add trusty-cogs cog install trusty-cogs reddit newsredditView Repository
redditApproved @palmtree5 Gets posts, user info, etc from Reddit's API Installation commandsrepo add palmtree5-cogs cog install palmtree5-cogs reddit redditutilitywebView Repository
redditpostApproved @flare(flare#0001) Reddit Autoposting of new content. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0validatorstabulateasyncpraw Installation commandsrepo add flare-cogs cog install flare-cogs redditpost autopostingredditView Repository
redupdateApproved @max@kuro Update your bot to latest dev version of red. This cog does not store any End User Data. Required Permissionsembed_links Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.9.0Bot>=3.5.3 Installation commandsrepo add maxcogs cog install maxcogs redupdate botupdateredupdateView Repository
rektApproved @TrustyJAID Are you REKT? This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. Required Permissionsembed_links Bot Version and Packages UsedPython>=3.7.2Bot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add trusty-cogs cog install trusty-cogs rekt rektView Repository
reminderApproved @ZeLarpMaster#0818@aikaterna Lets users tell the bot to remind them about anything they want. Originally by ZeLarpMaster. Required Permissionsembed_links Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0 Installation commandsrepo add aikaterna-cogs cog install aikaterna-cogs reminder remindreminderremindmeView Repository
remindersApproved @AAA3A Don't forget anything anymore! Reminders in DMs, channels, FIFO commands scheduler, say scheduler... With 'Me Too', snooze and buttons. You can migrate reminders from RemindMe by PhasecoreX. This cog does store users reminders, who are deleted when triggered. The content of the 5 next user's reminders can be communicated to OpenAI if the user requests information on their own existing reminders using the Vert's Assistant cog. Bot Version and Packages UsedBot>=3.5.0git+ Installation commandsrepo add aaa3a-cogs cog install aaa3a-cogs reminders bellcommandfifomessageremindsayscheduletimeView Repository
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